The consequences of plagiarism in academia

Table of Contents

  • What is plagiarism?
  • Types of plagiarism
  • The best plagiarism checking software
  • Consequence of plagiarism in academia
  • How to avoid plagiarism in academia
  • How to remove plagiarism in academia

What is plagiarism?

Plagiarism is the act of submitting a non-original content for marking purposes. Plagiarism is mostly associated with copy pasting, but it is not only copy pasting per se that leaders to plagiarism. There are more than 10 different types of plagiarism that students commit on daily basis. Some of these plagiarisms are unintentional while others are intentional. Whether intentional or unintentional, plagiarism of any kind is highly punishable. In this article, we will discuss the consequences of plagiarism. Of these two categories of plagiarism, unintentional plagiarism is the biggest problem to most students. In our article Introduction to Plagiarism, we provide a broader meaning and definition of plagiarism from academic perspective.


Types of plagiarism

There are several types of plagiarism. However, plagiarism can broadly be categorized as intentional or unintentional plagiarism.

The intentional plagiarism happens when you plagiarize knowingly. Such example of intentional plagiarism is copy pasting. Unintentional plagiarism occurs when you commit plagiarism unknowingly. For example, you may not know that writing an essay or a research paper from one single source is plagiarism.

Knowing the many types of plagiarism as discussed in our previous article is very significant in helping you avoid plagiarism.

The best plagiarism checking software

There are several adverts about the many types of plagiarism all over the internet. However, we can confidently tell you that there are more than 10 reasons why Turnitin is still the best plagiarism checker.


Have you ever asked yourself why all the leading universities use Turnitin? Is it by coincidence? Probably not. It is by design informed by thorough research and testing.

Most universities make decisions upon doing thorough research and this research and testing brought the conclusion that Turnitin is the best.

Traditionally it was not easy to get access to personal Turnitin account. However, the trend has changed. Currently, you can get access to personal Turnitin account for as low as $29.99 for one year subscription.

Watch this video on the process we use to set up the personal Turnitin accounts for our clients.

The personal Turnitin account mentioned above has the following benefits.

  • Will not store your paper online
  • Will be personalized with your email and password to enhance user security
  • Will come with 24/7 technical support
  • Quick plagiarism check within 2 minutes

Just contact us and we will avail to you the personal Turnitin account for your use.

Consequence of plagiarism in academia

We already mentioned that any plagiarism that does not fall within the acceptable plagiarism percentage will be penalized. You need to ensure that your work always fall within the safe plagiarism limits to avoid penalization. 

Consequences of Plagiarism

There following are the four main consequences of plagiarism in academia.

  • Grade penalty or automatic zero
  • Failing the course
  • Academic probation or expulsion

You can get any of the mentioned consequences of plagiarism depending on the three things listed below.

  • Your plagiarism percentage
  • Your school policy on plagiarism
  • Your level of education

From the above analysis, it is evident that the consequence of plagiarism in academia may vary depending on the factors mentioned.

From the above information, we can elude that the higher the plagiarism percentage, the heavier the penalty.

For example, if you commit a 100% plagiarism at PhD level, you are more likely to be punished heavily than a first year who have committed the same percentage for a mare assignment.

The higher the level of education, the severe the punishment and vice versa. On the same note, the higher the plagiarism percentage, the severe the punishment. Low levels of plagiarism may only result to some slight deduction of marks the case is closed. If you think you have been accused of plagiarism wrongly, then you can check how to prove that you did not plagiarize.

How to avoid plagiarism in academia

It is possible to avoid plagiarism during academic writing. All you need to know are the factors or the omissions and the commissions that may lead to plagiarism.

The following are some of the strategies that can be used to avoid plagiarism in academic writing.

  • Rewrite everything in your own words
  • Always add your own thoughts to your paper (critical analysis)
  • Do not copy paste
  • Do not paraphrase from a single source
  • Cite all the borrowed ideas accordingly
  • Cite all the diagrams, chats, and illustrations
  • Do not fake references
  • Do not quote excessively
  • Do not submit a paper that had already been submitted for marking previously
  • Do not use Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools such as ChatGPT to write your paper
  • Have a plagiarism checker (preferably personal Turnitin account)

How to remove plagiarism in academia

Removing plagiarism is possible provided you have your plagiarism report and understand the type of plagiarism affecting your paper.

The first step to removing plagiarism is by having the plagiarism report. Turnitin software will generate your plagiarism report within 5 minutes as shown in this video. Turnitin produces the best plagiarism report by highlighting all the plagiarized sentences.

All you need to do is to rewrite the words that are highlighted within the Turnitin report. If you are having problems with removing plagiarism from your work, then we can help you with professional plagiarism removal services at a small fee. Our plagiarism removal service does not change the content of your work. We also correct the grammar and also add relevant citations to your work. You should always ensure you remove the plagiarism till it reaches the acceptable plagiarism levels or limits

If your work is also stored in the Turnitin repository, we also delete the repository plagiarism. Just email us with your submission ID then we will locate for you the paper within the Turnitin database and delete it accordingly.


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