My professor accused me of plagiarism and gave me a 0% on my final grade. I did not cheat, what can I do?

Why was I given 0% for plagiarism?

Plagiarism of any kind is highly unacceptable. Since plagiarism is high unacceptable, you are likely to get the lowest possible academic grade during marking.

In some serious cases, you can even be expelled from the university.

Your professor will give you a 0% for a plagiarized work because he/she believes the work is not yours. During the academic marking, the expectation is that the work should be yours or as original as possible.

When the work is not yours, they believe that you have committed academic fraud of stealing/cheating.

The punishment is usually a 0% or at worst expulsion from the university.

To avoid 0% during academic marking, ensure your work is not plagiarized.

What is the Acceptable Plagiarism Percentage?

The acceptable plagiarism percentage is the least level of plagiarism that is allowed for students in their academic papers.

The acceptable plagiarism percentage is coined from the fact that sometimes it is not possible to achieve a 0% plagiarism.

In this regard, there are some low levels of plagiarism that are allowed in your paper.

The acceptable percentage of the dissertation is illustrated by the colors shown in the turnitin colors below.

Turnitin Colors
Turnitin Colors

The acceptable plagiarism percentage for academic paper should fall between the blue or green colors. As you can see from the above analysis, the green color ends at 24%.

In other words, the highest universally accepted plagiarism percentage for the dissertation should be 24%.

However, in some universities, the 24% is still treaded as high. In this regard, you should not work with the acceptable plagiarism percentage, rather, work with the safe plagiarism percentage.

The safe plagiarism percentage for dissertation is below 10% (0–9%). Nobody will penalize you for this.

If you want a non-repository Turnitin for plagiarism check or if you want professional plagiarism removal services, then contact us.

What content of paper are you allowed to plagiarize?

  1. Data Statistics: They are often takes from reports and thus the best you can do it to cite them. You cannot write them in your own words as that will lead to distortion of facts.
  2. Quotes: The fact that they are quotes means they should be used the same way they were said. They should be enclosed by the quotation marks and properly referenced.
  3. Tables: Tables taken from previous publication should also be used the same way they were used before.
  4. Figures and Illustrations: Any distortion to the figures and illustration leads to the distortion of the information and thus they should be used the same way they were used before but accompanied with proper citation.
  5. References: Most advance plagiarism checkers like Turnitin have the settings such that you are allowed to skip this section during plagiarism check. The author, the tittle of publication and the publisher should remain exactly the same in your paper and this will amount to plagiarism. However, the reference plagiarism is usually overlooked during the plagiarism check.

What Did I do to overturn the decision?

Let me start by telling you it’s not a walk in the park. It’s never that easy to turn around the decision that had already been made by a professor.

So, let’s start!

When I got notified of the issue, I was really shocked. I had not cheated nor plagiarized my work. My work was original. I consulted several sources and cited my work accordingly.

What could be the problem? I did not understand the real underlying issue.

So, there was a possibility that my marks were awarded by mistake!

The first thing I did is to look for the plagiarism report of my work so that I can analyze it properly. I did a thorough market research and noticed that the best plagiarism checker was Turnitin

I decided to purchase the Turnitin so that I can have the plagiarism report of my own (Contact us if you need Turnitin logins).

I checked my paper with Turnitin report then generated my own plagiarism report.

To my surprise, my paper was showing 50% plagiarism (which is high anyway).

I analyzed the plagiarism report sentence by sentence, word by work, paragraph by paragraph then noticed one important thing

The plagiarized sections were diagrams, charts, figures, and quotes and list of reference!

When it comes to plagiarism, the charts, figures, and quotes and reference list are allowed to be plagiarized. There is no way you can change the reference, or the other things mentioned above

THE NEXT thing I launched the petition to have my paper renewed again by another teacher!

I attached my plagiarism report and explained that the areas plagiarized in the paper are diagrams, charts, figures, quotes, and reference list. The normal paragraphs were not plagiarized.

When the remarking was finally done, I was acquitted!

My marks were restored to 75%

My advice is, if you are in the same position, purchase a non-repository Turnitin account, generate your own plagiarism report, and then analyze it initiate a remarking petition.

What if you are genuinely guilty and do not fall in the category above? What if you simply copy pasted the contents of your work from other sources? Consult us, we will give you other secrets or we will help you with the means and ways of evading that. Even if your paper was mistakenly stored in Turnitin repository, we will help you delete the work from the Turnitin repository immediately.



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