Do not use Chegg plagiarism checker? USE THIS

What is Chegg Plagiarism Checker?

First, you really need to understand what Plagiarism is

Just like many other student websites, Chegg offers a plagiarism checking services on their website. The Chegg plagiarism checker is basically an AI bot that checks for similarity between the submitted text and other text on online sources and student archives.

The slogan for Chegg plagiarism is “Check for plagiarism hiding in your assignment”

The main aim of their plagiarism checking is to help you identify that plagiarism that might be hiding somewhere within your assignment.

Always have in mind that the presence of plagiarism in your paper can really harm you because plagiarism is unacceptable in scholarly environment.

What are the Features of Chegg Plagiarism Checker?

You can easily see the features of Chegg plagiarism checker from their website.

One of the features of Chegg plagiarism checker is that it generates its plagiarism reports instantly. You just need to be patient and it will generate the plagiarism report by about 2-3 minutes.

The known features of Chegg plagiarism check includes

  • Quick plagiarism scanning
  • Advanced grammar correction
  • Advanced format correction
  • Expert analysis and support

The quick plagiarism scanning will provide the plagiarism report that will guide you on the areas that appear plagiarized so that you can correct them quickly. It is also equipped with advanced grammar checking capability that can identify more than 200 types of common grammatical mistakes and identify possible correction on them. Finally, it also has a formatting correction feature in collaboration with Purdue University and this enables it to correctly identify the formats for your paper.

Pros and Cons of Chegg Plagiarism Checker


  • It is very fast
  • It produces an elaborate plagiarism report


  • It is very expensive (about $119.4 per year)
  • They require you to enter your credit card details before you start their limited free trial
  • It cannot load very large papers
  • They will save your documents to their database (see image below)
Chegg plagiarism checker
Chegg plagiarism checker

How much does Chegg Plagiarism Checker Cost?

Chegg plagiarism checker is one of the most expensive plagiarism software on the internet. It cost about 9.95 monthly or $119.4 annually.

In other words, you need to have close to $120 in your credit card to access an annual subscription for the Chegg plagiarism checker.

Such a huge amount is out of the reach of most students

How effective if the Chegg Plagiarism Checker?

Chegg plagiarism checker is effective, but it has some limited capabilities in checking advanced types of plagiarism such as repository plagiarism.

You can test this by taking on of your university papers that you uploaded to the university system last semester or even last year. Try to run it through Chegg plagiarism checker and surprisingly it will read no plagiarism despite the paper being submitted for marking last year.

Remember, plagiarism is not just about copying from a particular source. There are more than 15 types of plagiarism and Chegg plagiarism checker can only check a limited number of plagiarisms.

Features of Effective Plagiarism Checker

An effective plagiarism checker should have the following features

  • It should be able to detect about 90% of the many types of plagiarism
  • It should be able to submit and check unlimited number of documents on daily basis
  • It should be able to have an additional feature like grammar and formatting check
  • It should be able to upload large file sizes
  • It should be able to generate the plagiarism report fast
  • It should have a detailed plagiarism report
  • You should be able to download the plagiarism report for offline analysis
  • It should not store or remain with your paper in its database
  • It should not be very expensive for the students

Chegg Plagiarism Checker Vs Turnitin Plagiarism Checker

We can compare the Chegg and Turnitin plagiarism checker in the table below

Chegg Plagiarism Checker Turnitin Plagiarism Checker
It is very costly (about $120 per year) It is relatively cheap (about $29.99 per year)
It can only check limited types of plagiarism Can check unlimited types of plagiarism
Not recommended by any university or learning institution Turnitin is the most popular and so far, the only plagiarism checker used by most universities across the world.
It is very fast It is also very fast
It cannot load big file sizes It can load very big file sizes
It has an additional grammar and formatting check It also has additional grammar check
It stores the documents in its database Non repository Turnitin does not save your documents in Turnitin database

What is the best Plagiarism checker?

After examining the features of a good plagiarism checker then comparing Chegg plagiarism checker and Turnitin plagiarism checker, we can deduce that Turnitin is the best plagiarism checker. Watch this presentation on how Turnitin accounts are created for students. 


Why is Turnitin the best plagiarism checker?

  • Because Turnitin is relatively cheap, you can get it for only $29.99 for one year subscription (contact us if you need Turnitin access). In comparison, Chegg plagiarism checker is very expensive because it cost about $120 for one year subscription.
  • Turnitin can check many types of plagiarism, including the repository plagiarism. On the other hand, Chegg plagiarism checker mostly detects the direct plagiarism or the plagiarism that comes from copying from a source. In this regard, the effectiveness of Turnitin plagiarism checker is by far much superior as compared to Turnitin plagiarism checker.
  • Turnitin can load large file sizes to mean that the length of your document is not a barrier to its capability. In contrast, the Chegg plagiarism checker can only be used for small or medium file sizes.
  • Turnitin is recommended by most universities across the world, and this is in public domain. I have never heard of any university advising students to use Chegg plagiarism checker. The implication is that the same plagiarism percentage you get when checking your draft work will be the same plagiarism percentage your teacher will get when you submit your documents.
  • The non-repository Turnitin does not store documents in the Turnitin database. This implies that your work will be deleted from their system the moment you are done. In contrast, Chegg will store your documents in their database and whatever they will do with it later is none of your business. They already give you a notice (see image above) that they store your documents online. 

Which plagiarism checker to choose?

Why spend $120 for a plagiarism software yet there is an option of spending $29.99 for a more powerful version? Why use a plagiarism checker with limited capability whereas there is an option of using the one with powerful capability? Why use a plagiarism checker that is not recommended by any learning institution, yet you have the option of using the recommended one? Why use a plagiarism checker that will store your paper and later even sell your work through its website, yet you have the option of that one which will not save your work nor sell it anywhere for profit? All these questions point out that Turnitin is by far the best plagiarism checker. Do not use Chegg plagiarism checker, use Turnitin plagiarism checker instead. You can contact us if you want access to non-repository Turnitin plagiarism checker for $29.99 for one year subscription.


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