Is ChatGPT free?

Table of Contents

  • What is ChatGPT?
  • Is ChatGPT Free?
  • What is ChatGPT website or link?
  • Can ChatGPT write essays?
  • How to use ChatGPT to write essays
  • Disadvantages of ChatGPT written essays
  • Is ChatGPT plagiarism Free?
  • Can Turnitin detect ChatGPT?
  • How can you avoid plagiarism in ChatGPT essays?
  • Conclusion About ChatGPT

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is the new AI technological kid on the block with the capability to do massive stuffs upon command.

ChatGPT is a special Artificial Intelligence bot that can be instructed to write and provide specific information.

In other definition, ChatGPT is a chatbot that interacts with the user in a conversational way.

Is ChatGPT Free?

Currently there are millions of users who are enjoying ChatGPT absolutely for free. In other words, ChatGPT bot is still free for now.


However, there is no guarantee that it will be free in future because it cost the company about $0.05 per chat.

Is ChatGPT Free?

The owners of ChatGPT can decided to sell it or even put a paywall so that users can subscribe with some amount before using it.

With the millions of users, the OpenAI, who are the owners, can potentially make a lot of money by putting a paywall.

If you are interested in using ChatGPT for free, then you are strongly advised to use it right now before the monetization comes it.

Currently, there are rumors that the owners of ChatGPT are planning to sell it to Bing. If that can happen, then it really upgrades the services of Bing, as an alternative search engine to Google.

What is ChatGPT website or link?

Many people are wondering where the direct access or link of ChatGPT is situated. A good number of these people expected something like as the direct link for ChatGPT.

ChatGPT is accessed through the OpenAI website.

The direct link of ChatGPT through the OpenAI website is new chat (

If you want to access it through the web search, the follow the below instructions

  1. Open your browser
  2. Type the word “ChatGPT
  3. Click on the first item that shows up, it will redirect you to OpenAI website
  4. You will see an icon named “Try ChatGPT” click on it
  5. It will redirect you to a messaging space with some cursor
  6. Type anything on the messaging board and you are good to go

Can ChatGPT write essays?

ChatGPT can write essays on millions of topics. It can only write essays upon command. You must come up with an essay topic of your choice then command it to write it for you. It will write the essay on any topic within few seconds of few minutes depending on the length of your essay.

You need to take note that ChatGPT written essays are artificial essays with limited critical thinking and formatting.

How to use ChatGPT to write essays

In order to write a ChatGPT essay, follow the directives shown below

  • Go to your search engine or browser and type ChatGPT
  • Click on the OpenAI website that shows first in the search engine
  • Click “Try ChatGPT”
  • In the Chat platform, type something like “write an essay on this topic”
  • It will write the essay for you within few seconds.

Ensure that you’re the essay topic on your choice and the number of words of your choice. For example, if you want a write an essay on global warming, you can type something like. “Write a 500-word essay on the impact of global warming”

It is just that simple and you have a ChatGPT written essay.

Disadvantages of ChatGPT written essays

  • ChatGPT essays have limited critical thinking
  • ChatGPT essays have no formats
  • ChatGPT essays have no references
  • ChatGPT essays may contain some good percentage of plagiarism

If you want to remove the plagiarism on ChatGPT essay, then you must have a Turnitin account. We will explain this towards the end of this article.

Is ChatGPT plagiarism Free?

Currently ChatGPT essays are not entirely clean of plagiarism. We have done lots of tests on ChatGPT essays and recorded as much as 60% of plagiarism on essays. In other words, ChatGPT is a plagiarized work.

Plagiarism from the ChatGPT essay can stem from two sources.

  1. ChatGPT generates almost the same content when same essay commands are put to it. For example, if you instructor it to write for you an essay on global warming, it will do it for you. Tomorrow another student from another university also instructs it to write an essay on the same topic which is global warming. ChatGPT will likely generate the same result to both of you. This will lead to plagiarism because you are most likely to be getting what another student had already submitted
  2. The other way the content is plagiarized is from that fact that the information is got from the same source, probably online archives. The bot is taking an existing information from a particular archive and relaying it to you. The same information does not change when it is relayed to you.

I strongly urge you not to submit ChatGPT essay the way it is. I strongly advise you to take precautions as shown below.

Can Turnitin detect ChatGPT?

Turnitin has confirmed through their website that AI generated essays is not a problem to them since their latest technology can easily be used to detect it. Turnitin is the best plagiarism checker. There are more than 50 types of online plagiarism checkers, but Turnitin stands out as the best plagiarism checker in the market. All other plagiarism checkers are fake and may give you false results.

Watch this YouTube video (1) Demo of new Turnitin AI chatGPT detection – YouTube

Turnitin may not detect the plagiarism as 100%, but it can detect some sentences and paragraphs as plagiarized. As a student, you will need to make amendments to these paragraphs and sentences accordingly. For a student using ChatGPT, you need to have a personal Turnitin non repository account.

How can you avoid plagiarism in ChatGPT essays?

It is possible to avoid plagiarism if you are using ChatGPT. However, this can only be achieved if you are having a Turnitin plagiarism checking software.

Avoiding plagiarism in ChatGPT essays without an effective plagiarism checker like Turnitin may be a daunting task. Do not get worried if you do not have access to Turnitin. We sell a non-repository personal Turnitin account one year subscription for only $29.99 USD.

What you will do is that you will first start by writing your essay using ChatGPT, then check it with Turnitin.

The Turnitin software will give you the plagiarism report that highlights all the plagiarized areas.

You will then rewrite all the plagiarized areas then put references to them accordingly. You will then run the paper for the second time to check and see if the plagiarism has been removed.

This is the only sure way of removing plagiarism on ChatGPT essays. You have no other option other than to have the Turnitin plagiarism software. If you have persistent problems with plagiarism, then you can contact us for professional plagiarism removal services.

Conclusion About ChatGPT

Currently ChatGPT is free. However, there is no guarantee that it may be free in future. You can enjoy its usage while it last. Students can easily enjoy using ChatGPT to write essays. However, you are not safe using ChatGPT if you do not have access to Turnitin. Please purchase the personal Turnitin account so that you can always check the ChatGPT essays before making the final submission. We will give you access to personal Turnitin account one year subscription for only $29.99 USD.





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