6 Ways to Avoid Plagiarism during Essay Writing Process

What is Plagiarism?

Plagiarism is in simple terms is the act of passing someone’s ideas as your own. It is expected that you should always cite all the borrowed ideas and concepts accordingly. The rule of academic writing is that credit should always be given not unless the idea stems from you.


You are allowed as a student to write an essay on any topic and borrow as many ideas as possible, but you should always be ready to cite those ideas.

Some students even plagiarism their essays without knowing, what we call the accidental or unintentional plagiarism. However, this is discussed in another article altogether.

What are the consequences of plagiarism?

There are three main consequences of plagiarism as listed below.

  • Marks Reduction
  • A failure in the grade or course
  • Probation or Expulsion

All the above consequences also depend on three things

  • The level of education
  • The university policy on plagiarism
  • Type of assignment

Just to illustrate, the full plagiarism penalty will bear more severe consequence for a PhD student as opposed to undergraduate student.

On the converse, a low-grade student may only suffer a reduction of marks for plagiarism. In other words, the higher the level of education, the heavier the consequences of plagiarism.

The education system puts more responsibility to students in higher levels of education and vice versa.

6 ways of to avoid plagiarism during essay writing         

The six ways to avoid plagiarism in essay writing are discussed here.

  1. Put proper citations: Proper citations are expected in all the assignments that you write. If you can write a full paper without putting proper citations, then it will be treated as plagiarism. Even writing a full paragraph without citations is plagiarism provided the whole paragraph has borrowed ideas. It is expected that all borrowed ideas should always be cited accordingly. It is also expected that the citations should be in proper format.
  2. Rewrite all borrowed ideas: Rewriting is the key concept of writing all academic papers. All the borrowed ideas should be rewritten in a proper manner. You are not expected copy the concept the same manner it is written from the source. When you rewrite, you will be appreciated using the content in the most appropriate manner. It is the expectation in the academic world. When you rewrite, you remove the copy paste aspect and this the plagiarism is also removed. You should be keen in that rewriting should be followed by proper citations.
  3. Put your insights and ideas: This is where most students go wrong. When a student is given an essay to write about, he/she goes over to the internet and start to paraphrase all the key points and concepts. However, that is not always right. The right thing to do is to add your key concepts and insights in everything you write. You need to critique, ask questions, give recommendations, and provide more advice where necessary. It puts more pomp and color to the work as a student. When you put an insight, you are adding something that is not from the internet or from the books. What you are adding is automatically an original thing and thus has no plagiarism. If you write a 100 words research, please ensure that you add about 50 words of your own insights.
  4. Do not paraphrase from one source: Many students really fall prey to this type of plagiarism when writing essays. When a student is given an essay topic to write about, they simply go to the internet to find an essay on the same topic. When they find the same essay written on the same topic, they simply go ahead and use paraphrase from that source from the introduction, body, to the conclusion. You should never borrow ideas and concepts from one single source during essay writing process. No matter how smart you are in paraphrasing, you should never ever paraphrase from one source during essay writing. Doing that will amount to plagiarism. 
  5. Use Turnitin Plagiarism Checker: Turnitin is the most effective and the most reliable plagiarism checker. We would not advise you to use many online plagiarism checkers being advertised on the web simply because they will give you a false plagiarism report. You really need Turnitin to check the plagiarism percentage in your draft report before making the final submission. This will enable you to reduce the plagiarism percentage in good time to safe and acceptable plagiarism limits. If you don’t have access to Turnitin, we can set up your personal non repository Turnitin profile for as low as $29.99 for one year subscription. With Turnitin logins, you are always sure that the same plagiarism percentage it showed you in the draft report is the same plagiarism percentage that will be available in the student portal. In other words, Turnitin account will help you do detect and reduce the plagiarism percentage in your draft essay paper.
  6. Consult an Essay Editor: Editors are often ignored, but they can save you your grade. We have a team of editors who will check your paper against the content, the grammar, and plagiarism. When check to see that your essay paper is on point, if not then we tweak it a little bit till it meets a high-quality essay criterion. We also correct all the grammar mistakes during the editing process. We also check the plagiarism percentage in your paper and remove the plagiarism. Even if your essay reads as high as 80%, we will professionally remove the plagiarism till it reflects 0-10% plagiarism limit.


How to check plagiarism in essay work

Checking plagiarism for your essay needs a reliable and trusted software. Currently, Turnitin is the only recommended plagiarism checker. Forget those other plagiarism checkers, they will give you false result and land you into trouble.

For you to check your work with Turnitin, you need the Turnitin logins. The Turnitin logins will only cost you $29.99 for one year subscription. Just contact us and we will ensure that you get the one-year Turnitin login subscription.

When you have the logins, you can now get inside the Turnitin software then upload your paper. You can check this video on how you will upload your paper and generate the Turnitin plagiarism report.

Once you have your report, you can check the overall plagiarism percentage if it falls within the acceptable and safe plagiarism levels.

If the plagiarism is high, then consider removal or reducing the plagiarism from your essay before making the final submission.

How to remove plagiarism from your essay 

The first step in removing the plagiarism from your essay is to have the Turnitin plagiarism report. The Turnitin plagiarism report will let you know the areas that are affected by plagiarism. It will highlight the plagiarized areas accordingly. You will then need to rewrite all the plagiarized sentences and cite them accordingly. If you have problems removing plagiarism from your essay, then you can contact us for professional plagiarism removal services at a small fee. 


Plagiarism should be avoided at all costs during essay writing process. The consequences of plagiarism are dire and should be avoided at all costs. Putting proper citations, not copying from one source, rewriting all borrowed ideas, and the use of Turnitin plagiarism checker are some of the methods a student can use to avoid plagiarism. 



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