Top 10 Best Plagiarism Checkers in 2023


Plagiarism is a serious concern to students and educators around the world. There are so many plagiarism checking tools out there. It is estimated that there are close to 50 online plagiarism checkers. With the huge number, it is possible to get lost in terms of knowing which one to use and which one to avoid. Most students tend to use these plagiarism checkers with the aim of ensuring that the similarity in their work is within the acceptable plagiarism levels. In this article, we provide you with a detailed list of top 10 plagiarism checkers in order of priority.

#1. Turnitin

Turnitin is the number one plagiarism checker. In our previous article, we already explained the top 10 reasons why Turnitin is the best plagiarism checker. Among the reasons are that is has advanced plagiarism checking capabilities then it is the only plagiarism checker so far recommended by the leading universities across the world.

Traditionally it was not easy to get access to personal Turnitin account. However, you can now access the personal Turnitin account for as low as $29.99 for one year subscription. Just email or contact us and consider it done.

READ ALSOTurnitin Instructor Account with AI Detector

You can also watch this YouTube Video How to use Turnitin for AI (ChatGPT) Detection in 2024

The reasons why Turnitin is number one plagiarism are as follows!

  • It is fast
  • It is accurate
  • It can load large files
  • It provides an advanced grammar check
  • It is recommended by universities
  • It is cost effective to acquire and use
  • It can detect plagiarism in papers written by AI tools such as ChatGPT

WATCH How we create Turnitin accounts

Turnitin Features

  • Price: Turnitin student price $29.99 for one year subscription (contact us if you need it)
  • Rating: 4.7-star rating
  • Effectiveness: Highly effective
  • Report: Yes

#2. Grammarly

This is another software that is popularly known for grammar checking. It derives its name from the word “grammar” to mean that the key component of Grammarly is to identify and correct the grammatical mistakes in a paper. Apart from its ability to check the plagiarism mistakes, it can also check plagiarism. However, you will notice that Grammarly only checks plagiarism as a secondary service. The primary service for Grammarly is for grammar checking. 

Grammarly can only come distant second to Turnitin when it comes to plagiarism checking. For a client considering purchasing Grammarly plagiarism checker, we would strongly recommend you purchase Turnitin.

Features of Grammarly

  • Plagiarism check
  • Grammar check
  • Detailed plagiarism report

Other Grammarly features

  • Price: Grammarly costs $139.95 for one year subscription
  • Rating: 4.3-star rating
  • Effectiveness: Moderately effective

#3. Copyscape

Another very popular website for checking similarity among bloggers and SEO Experts. It was designed with web in mind.

From its name, copy scape is good in detecting materials and content copied from the online sources. Currently, a good number of bloggers are using it to check and removal plagiarism from their content.

Features of Copyscape

  • One-time free plagiarism check
  • Offline content checking option
  • Offers premium API for developers
  • Can check more than 1,000 pages

Other features of copyscape

  • Price: It costs $19.95 per monthly subscription
  • Rating: 3.7-star rating
  • Effectiveness: Moderately effective

Shortcomings of Copyscape plagiarism checker

  • Copyscape is very expensive (professional packages goes for $19.95 per month)
  • It does not offer grammar checking option

CopyScape Plagiarism Checker

#4. PlagScan

PlagScan is a new kid in the block of plagiarism checking. Less information is publicly available about this software. It was formed after the merger with Urkund plagiarism checker. More people are still testing it to gauge and rate its authenticity.

Advantages of Plagscan

  • Easily accessible over the internet
  • Detailed plagiarism report
  • Can check documents in different file formats (word, PDF)

Other Plagscan features

  • Price: Premium plan costs $399
  • Rating:
  • Effectiveness:

#5. SmallSEOTools

This is a busy website that offers many features within its platform. It is more of a search engine optimizer (SEO) tool that a plagiarism checker due to the many features. It provides grammar checking, paraphrasing, keyword planning, document conversion to pdf among other things.

The quality of this plagiarism checking tool is debatable. However, many people are still testing it and hopefully they will give a better review with time.

SmallSEOTools Features

  • Price: Premium student price $19.85 for one month subscription
  • Rating: 3.7-star rating
  • Effectiveness: Moderately effective
  • Report: Yes

#6. Duplichecker

Duplichecker is a popular plagiarism checker with the capability of analyzing content of up to 25,000 words. Not so much is known about this plagiarism checker. It produces plagiarism reports that highlights sentences that appear plagiarized.

Advantages of Duplicheker

  • User friendly interface
  • Easy to use

Duplicheker Features

  • Price: Student price $10 for one year subscription
  • Rating: 3.7-star rating
  • Effectiveness: Moderately effective
  • Report: Yes
  • Ads: Yes for free version
  • Paraphraser: Yes


#7. Quetext

Quetext is a plagiarism checker that relies heavily on matching the text patterns of the document with other text online.

Features of Quetext

  • Contextual analysis capability
  • ColorGrade feedback
  • Bulk checking option
  • PDF reports
  • Citation assistant

Other Quetext features 

  • Price: Quetext Price is $9.99 per month
  • Rating: 3.6-star rating
  • Effectiveness: Moderate

Quetext Plagiarism Checker

#8. Viper

Viper is a popular plagiarism checker that uses a snake symbol to represent its aggressiveness in tackling plagiarism. The company has integrated many features within its website as part of their bid to strengthen their plagiarism checking software.

Features of Viper Plagiarism Checker

  • Plagiarism reports
  • Multilingual operation
  • Multiple file upload
  • Grammar and spell checker

Other features of Viper Plagiairsm checker 

  • Price: Viper plagiarism checker costs $66 for 50 checks
  • Rating: 3.5-star rating
  • Effectiveness: Moderate

#9. Dustball

It is one of the new names in the plagiarism checking blocks. Many people have not had the opportunity to test the effectiveness of this software but the few people who have used it have given it a fairly good review.

Advantages of Dustball plagiarism checker

  • Free trial version available
  • Plagiarism reports available

Disadvantages of Dustball plagiarism checker

  • Plagiarism checking accuracy level is not satisfactory
  • The premium version is costly
  • It has low customer review

#10. Scribbr

Another common plagiarism checker that has gained popularity in the recent times. In their website, it says that Scribbr is powered with Turnitin. That assertion is false because Turnitin has never come out publicly that they are powering any other plagiarism checker of another company. It is just a smart marketing strategy that you should never fall prey to. By the virtue that they are pointing to Turnitin and not any other plagiarism checker, it is enough evidence that they are giving credit to Turnitin as the most powerful plagiarism checker that all other companies are looking up to.

Advantages of Scribbr plagiarism checker

  • Detailed plagiarism report
  • Large database of archives
  • Quick plagiarism report
  • Scribbr websites offers several other paid features

Disadvantages of scribbr plagiarism checker

  • It is very costly, the premium version is very expensive. It costs about $11o to check a 5000 word article
  • No bulk document checking
  • No citation guide

Conclusion about the best plagiarism checker

In conclusion, there are several types of plagiarism checkers. Their effectiveness, features, and review also vary. However, Turnitin plagiarism checker comes first in terms of effectiveness, features, and review. No wonder Turnitin is the only plagiarism checker recommended by universities across the world. You can contact us if you need access to personal Turnitin account for $29.99 for one year subscription. If you are serious about plagiarism checker, then look no further than Turnitin plagiarism checker.




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