Reasons to Avoid Free Online Plagiarism Checkers

What are online plagiarism checkers?

Plagiarism is a serious concern for students. Online plagiarism checkers are those websites that enable you check plagiarism. Currently, there are close to 50 websites that people can use to check plagiarism. Each and every website have their own way of checking plagiarism. It is always necessary for students to check their work before submission to ensure that they submit a paper with similarity that falls within the acceptable plagiarism levels.

In this regard, each and every website have their own plagiarism percentage. You may find that for the same paper, one website my record a 30% plagiarism while the other website records 70% websites on the same paper.

For that above reason, it is necessary to understand these online plagiarism checkers then find a way of knowing and using the best plagiarism checker.

In this article, we will explain the reasons why you should avoid the free online plagiarism checkers than advice on the best plagiarism checker to use.

Benefits of online plagiarism checkers

  • Free quick plagiarism check
  • Easily available
  • Immediate plagiarism report
  • Possible grammar report

Disadvantages of online plagiarism checkers

  • Their plagiarism report may not be accurate
  • Your paper may be saved online
  • The content of your paper may be stolen
  • Lack of security and privacy
  • They are slow and may take time to generate reports
  • Limited plagiarism check
  • Limited technical support

List of online plagiarism checkers to avoid and why

  • Chegg: Use Chegg as an assignment solution platform. It is very effective in that area. It plagiarism checking extension is not effective and will give you a false result.
  • Grammarly: Use Grammarly as a grammar checking software. It is very effective in identifying and correcting grammar mistakes. Its ability to check plagiarism is very limited and will give you a false result.
  • Quetext plagiarism checker: Another online plagiarism checker that is gaining popularity in the recent times. It mostly compares the text with other texts found on the online archives. It is still in the early stages of development and its plagiarism capability is still limited.
  • Copysscape: Copyscape is a popular plagiarism checking software for bloggers. It is mostly used to compare similarity between online blogs. Its capability within the academic field is highly limited. We recommend it to bloggers but not students.
  • ProWritingAid: This is a recent plagiarism checker with no known effectiveness. It can hardly be trusted by serious academic institutions.
  • Enago Plagiarism Checker: Was launched recently and is still being tested and updated from time to time. It is still not recommended by any known university and thus its effectiveness is questionable.
  • Scribbr: This is mostly a student assignment solution website. It is mostly relevant in terms of helping students get valuable information. Its plagiarism checking components is not effective and should be avoided.
  • Unicheck: A good number of people who have used it have given not so nice reviews. From the bad reviews of the users, you can easily tell that its effectiveness is questionable.
  • Duplichecker: It has a 1.5 start rating, one of the lowest among the online plagiarism checkers. With such a low review, it is quite obvious that it is not an effective plagiarism checker.

The best online plagiarism checker to use and why

The best online plagiarism checker is Turnitin. We already provided top 10 reasons why Turnitin is the best plagiarism checker. Turnitin has an advanced capability of detecting even the hidden types of plagiarism that may not be detected by other software. In this regard, Turnitin is the only plagiarism checker that has been recommended and adopted by leading universities around the world. Turnitin is so powerful to the extent it can even detect the essays written by AI tools such as ChatGPT.

Currently, it is impossible to mention the word plagiarism without mentioning the word Turnitin. If you are really serious about plagiarism checking, then ensure that you are using the most advanced plagiarism checking software which is Turnitin. Watch how to generate Turnitin plagiarism report within 5 minutes.

Turnitin AI score

All other online plagiarism checkers can only come distant second to Turnitin.

Nowadays you can get access to personal Turnitin account for as low as $29.99 for one year subscription. Just inbox or email us then we will set it up for you.

The benefits of the Turnitin account subscription are

  • You get a customized account with your own email and password
  • You get an access to 24/7 technical support
  • You get access to non-repository Turnitin that will not save your work
  • You get plagiarism report within 2 minutes of Turnitin check

Conclusions about online plagiarism checkers

We can conclude that there is several plagiarism checking software out there but only one is effective. The most effective plagiarism checking software is none other than Turnitin. It is the only plagiarism software recommended by leading universities around the world. You can get access to personal Turnitin account for as low as $29.99 for one year subscription. Avoid any other online plagiarism checker because they will give you false result. In case you are having problems with plagiarism, then you can contact us for professional plagiarism removal services.






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