Can Turnitin detect ChatGPT, AI writing, Quillbot?

Why Turnitin Plagiarism checker

There is much noise about the best plagiarism checker in the marketplace. However, Turnitin still stands out as the best plagiarism checker. We already given you powerful insights on the top 10 reasons why Turnitin is the best plagiarism checker. Among the key reasons is its robust plagiarism checking ability. No wonder Turnitin is recommended by the leading universities across the world.

Introducing Turnitin AI Detector

All you need is to have a Turnitin account or Turnitin logins. We provide Turnitin logins to students upon request.

After you get the Turnitin logins, follow the stops below to check your paper written by chatGPT or paper taken through Quillbot.

The following are the steps you need to detect Quillbot or chatGPT/AI generated content in Turnitin

  1. Got to Turnitin website
  2. Click login
  3. Enter your email and password (contact us if you need these two, our contact is in the video down there)
  4. Click on any available class
  5. Click view
  6. Click submit file
  7. Enter your names and submission tittle of your choice
  8. Upload file
  9. Confirm file
  10. Go to assignment inbox
  11. Wait for 1-3 minutes for the report to be generated
  12. Click on the percentage icon (it will open a new window)
  13. Check the lower right for an icon named (AI)
  14. The percentage on the AI icon is the percentage of the AI content on your paper

For clear visual steps on how to use Turnitin AI detector, please check this YouTube Video


Advantages of Turnitin Plagiarism checker

The following are some of the advantages of using Turnitin plagiarism checker to detect Quillbot or chatGPT generated content.

  1. It has an AI detection feature with 98% accuracy, the highest ever
  2. It also has a plagiarism detection feature
  3. The non-repository Turnitin does not save your work on the Turnitin database
  4. It is very fast and generates plagiarism report within one minute or less
  5. It can check as many files as possible on daily basis

What is Quillbot, ChatGPT, Spinbot

Quillbot is a software that mainly rephrases, or paraphrases written documents online. It can rewrite any content and generate a rewritten content with the same meaning. A good number of students tend to use the Quillbot software to rewrite the contents of their work with the aim of removing plagiarism.

Today, you will know whether a paper that has been written by Quillbot is free from plagiarism or not with respect to Turnitin plagiarism checker.

ChatGPT is an AI tool that most student use to get answers and write content. Currently, many students are using AI to write essays then present it as their own. However, it is not academically accepted to write content using AI tool then present it as your own. Any content that is written by AI tool is considered plagiarism because the work is not your own.

It presents a new plagiarism known as AI plagiarism.

Can Turnitin detect Quillbot, ChatGPT, Spinbot

On 4th April 2023, Turnitin launched their latest version of Turnitin Instructor account with AI detection capability.

The current Instructor version of Turnitin can detect both the chatGPT and Quillbot with 98% accuracy.

The image below shows the Turnitin AI feature that gives the overall percentage of AI content in a paper.

Turnitin AI score

What this news means is that right now if you use chatGPT or Quillbot then you are likely to be caught when your instructor checks your work using Turnitin. If the AI content is zero in your work, it will show you the way it shown above.

How Turnitin detects Quillbot and chatGPT

Both the Quillbot and the chatGPT uses AI algorithm to come up with their content. What Turnitin has done is to come up with powerful AI sniffing tool that is capable of checking each and every sentence then highlights in color the sentences that appear to be written with AI.

Turnitin then puts a score in terms of 0-100 with zero representing no AI content and 100 representing a full AI score. With the score percentages, the teacher is able to identify if you used AI to create your content.

You can watch this video it will give you the Step-by-Step Guide on how to detect AI/ChatGPT using Turnitin

How to access Turnitin Instructor Account with AI detector

Accessing Turnitin Instructor account is available especially when you are dealing with a trusted reseller like us.

You must first remember that Turnitin student account does not have the AI detector. Only the instructor account has the AI detector.

The following are the benefits of Turnitin Instructor account over the student account.

  • Turnitin Instructor account has the AI detection capability
  • Turnitin Instructor account has the delete button
  • Turnitin Instructor account enables you to create several classes for plagiarism check
  • Turnitin Instructor account provides unlimited check over a long period of time

Overall, we strongly advise you to purchase the Turnitin instructor account if you are serious about plagiarism checking. Just contact or email us and we will give you a student friendly price for one-year Turnitin instructor subscription.




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