6 Tips on Writing Plagiarism Free ChatGPT or AI Essays

How does chatGPT work?

Many students are currently using chatGPT to write their essays. We already confirmed that it is possible to write wonderful and high-quality essays using chatGPT or any other AI tools.

ChatGPT works by utilizing what is known as the Transformer Neural Network that creates texts according to the commands or requests given by the user. This tool by the chatGPT engine has access to vast repository of data that they use to examine the most appropriate response on the query on their platform.

The tool works smartly by leveraging all the information in their repository to create texts with the most appropriate answer to the query that has been asked.

The result is that we get textual responses that answers the questions we want. It is based on this idea that you can as well command the chatGPT to write an essay on any topic upon request.

Problem with chatGPT essays

Now that chatGPT can write essays, what is the problem with such essays? The problem with the chatGPT essay is originality. However, if you are smart enough, then you can write the chatGPT essay without being caught. The quality of chatGPT essay is not that bad when you put in the right prompts or queries. The grammar is also good when it comes to chatGPT essays.

In this article, we will explain to you how to write powerful chatGPT essays that are original and plagiarism free. We will give you 6 steps or action points that you can use to reduce or eliminate the possible plagiarism in chatGPT essay. We have arranged them in order of priority with number 1 being the most important one.

#6. Outline

One of the quickest and smartest ways to write an essay is to have a proper outline. With the outline, you can come up with good points that will strengthen your essay.

ChatGPT can help you come up with powerful outline that will guide your essay from the introduction to the conclusion.

Your essay outline will enable you to capture all the key points within the essay.

To come up with the essay outline, you just need to message the chatGPT app to write for you an outline on any topic of your choice.

You can then do your own research based on the outline given by the chatGPT. Always remember an outline is just a guide or a roadman that you will use to come up with your essay topic.


#5. Referencing

One of the key things you will notice when using chatGPT is that it does not have references for the key points and assertions made in the essay. Lack of proper citations is often cited as one of the leading causes of plagiarism.

ChatGPT can write for you a whopping 20-page essay without having any single citation or reference. This is unacceptable in essay writing.

Within the academic world, any essay or research paper that does not have references amounts to plagiarism. We already discussed the many types of plagiarism and lack of referencing is one of them.

Referencing can be done in many styles, such as MPA, APA, Harvard, Chicago, among others. The reference provides evidence that the paper is properly researched. Reseach is the main focus and emphasis of academic work.  Without references, it simply illustrates that some ideas are borrowed from other researchers within the field of study.

When a research paper it properly references, it gives the reader the impression that the paper is original even before the plagiarism check is done.

In order to reference chatGPT written essay properly, look for sentences and phases that carry key points then link them with the most appropriate books and journals talking on the same topic.

Also remember to provide a list of references (also known as bibliography) at the end of your essay. The list of references should only carry relevant and current books, journal and articles on the topic under discussion.


$4. Rewriting

Rewriting simply implies that your paper has been written but you have to rewrite it to give it more meaning. Rewriting can also imply that you are rephrasing or paraphrasing.

You can write a paper using chatGPT app, then rewrite it again manually to give it more meaning.

When you rewrite the paper, the plagiarism that was on that paper will drop drastically.

Also, when rewriting the paper, ensure that you do not change the meaning of the rewritten sentences.

Rewriting should be done on the article or the essay that has already been produced by the chatGPT software or app.


#3 Images and Illustrations

If you order chatGPT to write an essay or research paper for you, it will not have images or illustrations. It will just appear as a body full of text messages.

Please read the entire contents and ensure that it you add images, graphics, illustrations, tables or info graphics that correlate well or explain parts of your paper.

A paper full of images, illustrations, tables and charts will add more originality to it and reduce the levels of plagiarism.

For example, if your essay is talking about the impact of population growth, then ensure that you have a table of comparison of the population growth over the years.

Also, you can show images and pictures of the congestion in the streets or any other relevant images to provide more illustration to the population growth. When all these is done, then you can be rest assured that the plagiarism will be reduced drastically.


#2. Add personal perspective (critical reflection)

Most chatGPT contents are written based on researched and existing knowledge synthesized from certain databases.

Such ideas in databases are static in nature, in that there is not much debate about them.

In order to reduce or eliminate the plagiarism in chatGPT essay, ensure that you add your personal perspective or critical reflection to your paper.

How do you do that? Doing that is very easy. Just take a concept then analyze it based on your own thoughts, feelings, and imaginations. The next thing is to provide an academic critique to the point in discussion.

For example, the chatGPT essay may explain that they sky is blue. In addition to that, you may explain that they blueness in the sky is a reflection of the oceans and water bodies that cover the earth. You may also disagree that there is no way the sky can be blue and that’s just an illusion because it’s just a vast space filled with air that has no color.

In adding the critical perspective, try to use words such as “however,” “likewise” “in addition” “conversely” among other words that draws comparison and critique.


#1. Turnitin Plagiarism and AI Checker

Turnitin is the most powerful plagiarism checking tool that checks both the plagiarism in the databases and currently also checks the AI and chatGPT plagiarism.

Turnitin AI score

It is the final and the most important thing you need to do if you have to use chatGPT in writing your essay or research paper.

After doing all the above (things like putting citations, references, illustrations and adding critical perspective), the most important point now is to check the plagiarism level of your paper.

Checking the plagiarism level of your paper will let you know the percentage of plagiarism in your work before you make the final submission.

Please take not that you should not use any other plagiarism checker because they will give you false results. We already given the top 10 reasons why Turnitin is the best plagiarism checker. The most important reason why you should use Turnitin is that it is the same plagiarism checker that your teacher is going to use when you submit your paper. This implies that if your paper is reading 15% plagiarism, then it will read the same percentage when your teacher checks it on his side.

Where do you get the Turnitin? You can get it from many sources but the most cost effective one-year effective Turnitin you can just get it from us.

Our Turnitin package only goes for $19.99 for one year subscription and it comes with the following benefits.

  • It last for one year (long lasting active classes)
  • There is one year guarantee of service (24/7 technical support)
  • It is the most cost effective (student price)
  • It is non repository, to mean your work will not be stored in the Turnitin database
  • It will be personalized with your own email and unique password (only you can log in to guarantee the safety of your paper)

Once you have the personal Turnitin account, then you can always check the plagiarism percentage of your final paper together with the AI percentage. 

Watch this YouTube video on How to Buy Turnitin to get more details about the same.

Also watch this video on how to use Turnitin to detect chatGPT essays

If you find that your paper has some percentage of plagiarism, let’s say 35% plagiarism, then just go to your plagiarism report and rewrite further those sentences that are highlighted as plagiarized. Repeat that till you remove the plagiarism on your paper.

If your work has high levels of plagiarism, then you can contact us for professional plagiarism removal services. Sometimes it may not be easy to achieve a 0% plagiarism but always ensure that your work is within the acceptable plagiarism percentage.

Turnitin Access


In conclusion, it is very possible to write a plagiarism free AI or plagiarism free chatGPT essay. However, you must follow the many rules mention above. Always ensure that your work is properly referenced and has critical reflection of you as the writer. If possible, add images, illustrations, graphs, charts, and infographics as appropriate. The most important thing to do is to have a personal Turnitin account. The Turnitin account will enable you to identify the possible areas that remain plagiarized even after doing all those other things. It will also provide you with the opportunity to remove the plagiarism from your work. If you do not follow the above rules, then be assured that your paper will be plagiarized.


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