Turnitin Plagiarism Checker Free Trial


Are you struggling to have access to Turnitin?

Probably Yes, but Why?
Because Turnitin is not readily available to many. The cost of Turnitin license is extremely high and out of reach for many students, instructors, and even some universities.

Even for those individuals who have tons of money, they still struggle to have Turnitin logins and Access.

Why? Because Turnitin license is only sold to academic institutions and organizations.

In this article, we will introduce you on how you can have access to Turnitin plagiarism check for FREE!

Turnitin Free Trial

What is Turnitin?

Turnitin is simply a software that compares a document against other document online and within databases to determine the similarity level in then and generate a plagiarism report.

Turnitin plagiarism software is to identify plagiarism in the submitted documents.

Now, that we have known what Turnitin is, why is it necessary to use Turnitin?

Why Turnitin?

All the students who work on their assignments wants to scoop the highest marks possible. However, it is not possible to get marks from a work which is not yours.

In fact, most tutors would not even read a document that is plagiarized. In most cases, the tutors first check the document through Turnitin and only goes ahead to read the documents that are plagiarism free.

Those documents who show high records of plagiarize are usually given low marks or even in some instances awarded zero marks.

Therefore, it is necessary for students to check their work with Turnitin to ensure that they reduce the risk of getting low marks due to the submission of plagiarized papers.

Benefits of Using Turnitin

The following are some of the benefits associated with the use of Turnitin

  1. It helps the students to know the level of plagiarism in their papers
  2. It helps the students to revise their work accordingly before the final submission
  3. It is the most effective plagiarism checker
  4. It helps the students to improve on their level of writing through the feedback in the Turnitin report
  5. It prevents your work from being copied and used by another student or entity

How to Access the Turnitin Free Trial

We already stated there that Turnitin is a very expensive service. It costs tens of thousands to acquire Turnitin license.


If you have a paper and you want to know the levels of plagiarism in that paper, you can send a formal request to us, and we will run your paper through our Turnitin and send to you the PDF copy of the Turnitin Plagiarism Report. You can also purchase a one year non repository Turnitin subscription for only $29.99 by contacting us. 

Our Turnitin package comes with the benefits listed below

  1. 24/7 technical support for one year
  2. Free video on how to use it
  3. Non repository (your work will not be saved online)
  4. Your email and your own unique passwords as the logins
  5. Instant document check and plagiarism report within 5 minutes 
  6. Unlimited number of document checks

If your paper shows high levels of plagiarism, you can also seek our Professional Plagiarism Removal Services

The good thing with ChatGPT is that only about 40-50% of its content will be plagiarized. Therefore, you will only be rewriting about 20-30% of the work in order to reduce it to the acceptable plagiarism levels.

After you have rewritten the highlighted sentences in the plagiarism report, recheck again your work with the Turnitin software for the second time. If the plagiarism is now at lower levels, then you can go ahead and submit. This is the only sure way of avoiding plagiarism while using ChatGPT.

Final Remarks about ChatGPT essays

You can use ChatGPT to write essays. You only need to put in proper request as per your essay demands and it will deliver. The major challenge with this bot will be plagiarism. The plagiarism challenge can only be reduced if you have the Turnitin plagiarism checking software. Get in touch with us if you want a non-repository Turnitin account for personal use. Ensure you check your work, edit it, and then recheck your work again with Turnitin to ensure your work is free from plagiarism. Enjoy the use of AI bots in essay writing. Cheers!







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