Is it safe to use ChatGPT in academic essay writing?

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is the new kid in the technological world that is barely one month old but is already getting attention everywhere. Currently, more than one million users have attempted to use the bot.

ChatGPT can simply described as a chat bot that answers and write essays upon request. It is a text based Artificial Intelligence tool released by a company known as OpenAI.

The bot is free for now and can produce uncannily natural, well-referenced writing in response to homework questions.

The demand for this AI bot has been so high to the extent at some point it crashed due to high traffic. This shows how the demand for the bot has been on the rise and it is still expected to rise further.

Can ChatGPT write essays?

Yes, ChatGPT can be used to write essays upon request. In fact, one professor tested ChatGPT and this is what he had to say…

That AI chat-bot can write a perfectly crafted essays with the potential of fetching high marks.

The ChatGPT can only write essays upon request.

As a user, you need to come up with an essay topic on your own then request the ChatGPT bot to do the writing for you.

For example, you may request it to write for you an essay about impacts of global warming and it will take few seconds or minutes to come up with a proper written essay on that topic.

When the writing is done, it is upon you to proofread the essay to ensure that everything is in order. Remember this is a bot, not a real human being so you just have to proofread to ensure the grammar, the sentence structure, and the citations are properly inserted to your essay.

In brief, we can conclude that ChatGPT can write powerful essays for you as a student upon request.

Advantages of ChatGPT written essays

  • It saves time because it can deliver as much as 10-page essay within seconds
  • It increases your productivity as a writer
  • It allows better customization on the essay topics
  • Higher quality of the essay
  • Higher accuracy
  • Save lots of money because the ChatGPT is still free

Disadvantages of ChatGPT written essays

  • Possible plagiarism on the written essay
  • No critical analysis on the essay part because it has no personal feeling
  • Can be wrong if proper commands or request are not done
  • Requires proofreading once the writing process is done
  • You must edit personal information to the essay yourself (names, university, course)
  • This method of writing is not approved by the learning institutions

Before you use the ChatGPT bot to write your essay, please go to their page and read its limitations. Among its many limitations, the two listed below may affect the quality of your essay. The limitations are.

  1. ChatGPT may occasionally generate incorrect information
  2. ChatGPT may occasionally produce harmful instructions or biased content

Are essays written by ChatGPT plagiarized?

By now you really need to know the true definition of plagiarism. I had to experiment this on my own to determine whether the essays written by ChatGPT are original or plagiarized. I requested ChatGPT to write for me a 500-word essay on the impact of climate change. The essay was delivered within less than 2 minutes. It was properly written in good grammar and the sentences were making sense. My only worry was about the plagiarism level on this paper. The essay was written by the bot as you can see below.

ChatGPT Essay on the impact of climate change

ChatGPT Essay Sample
ChatGPT Essay Sample

I had to test the plagiarism percentage on the AI generated paper. I had to do this with the most powerful plagiarism checking software known as Turnitin. We already explained the top 10 reasons why Turnitin is the best plagiarism checker. Please if you are serious about plagiarism checking, use no other software other than Turnitin. Other plagiarism checking software are so fake and will give you false results. If you want access to a non-repository Turnitin, then just contact us we will give you an access for as low as $29.99 for one year subscription. You can watch this video on how we create Turnitin accounts

When I run the paper through Turnitin, I got a 45% similarity on the plagiarism report. Remember 45% plagiarism is not within the acceptable plagiarism levels. So, I could not submit the paper directly, I had to do something to reduce the plagiarism on the paper. 

A good number of sentences from the above essay were plagiarized as you can see from the highlighted words shown in the Turnitin report depicted below.

ChatGPT Turnitin Report

We contacted Turnitin company CEO Chris Caren about what he can say about the AI essay bots and the ChatGPT generated essays and whether the Turnitin software could detect plagiarism on them. This is what he had to say….

We have technology that can detect AI-assisted writing and AI writing generated by tools such as ChatGPT today. 

From the above quotation, it is evident that an essay generated by ChatGPT is not free from plagiarism. He also said this.

We will incorporate our latest AI writing detection capabilities—including those that recognize ChatGPT writing—into our in-market products for educator use in 2023.

How can you avoid plagiarism while using ChatGPT?

The first thing to avoid plagiarism while using ChatGPT is to ensure that you have a plagiarism checking software. We are not talking about the many fake plagiarism checking software out there, we are talking about the most powerful plagiarism checking software which is Turnitin. We have already described in the above paragraph how you can get access to the non-repository Turnitin plagiarism checker at the lowest cost possible.

You should never use those other plagiarism checking software because they will give you false results and when your work is checked later you will fall prey to plagiarism.

To avoid plagiarism using ChatGPT, you have to check the essay written by it using Turnitin. The next thing is to take and analyze the plagiarism report in detail. You are most likely to find the areas that are plagiarized. All you need to do is now to rewrite all the plagiarized and highlighted sentences in your own words.


2 thoughts on “Is it safe to use ChatGPT in academic essay writing?”

  1. Pingback: ChatGPT Revenue And Usage Statistics 2024 -

    1. Yes, that is why we recommend that you use Turnitin to detect the level of plagiarism and AI in your paper before making the final submission

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