How can I Totally avoid plagiarism in my writing process?

Avoid plagiarism may be a little complicated not unless you fully understand the full definition and the types of plagiarism.

The true understanding the of the type of plagiarism will enable you not to do those omissions or commissions that may make your paper plagiarized.

The following are some of the strategies that will help you not to plagiarize your work.



The biggest source of plagiarism among the students is the temptation to copy paste content either from Google or any other already written paper. The main reason why students copy is laziness or doing assignments in a hurry.

As a student, always ensure that you have enough time to do your assignments. In this regard, never put so much hurry in handling your assignments since this is the main source of the temptation to copy.

Also, avoid being lazy student so that you don’t fall for the temptation to copy paste content.

Copy pasting is the worst from of plagiarism and you will easily be caught by Turnitin when you submit your work.


Many students find themselves committing plagiarism because they want shortcuts. Instead of a student writing his or her own assignment, they simply take another student work which had already been submitted then posting it as their own assignment.

Perhaps they only change a sentence or two then change the personal information such as the names and the student registration number.

Turnitin plagiarism checker has a repository that houses all previously submitted assignments. What his means is that when you submit another student’s work, it will flag it red.

In fact, it will ready 100% plagiarism.


To be safe, never use another student work or the work that had already been submitted as your own work.

Even if the work was submitted more than 5 years ago, it will still be red flagged.


In writing your essays, research papers, thesis or dissertations, you are allowed to borrow ideas as much as possible. However, the borrowed ideas must be cited accordingly.

It’s not just about citing the ideas; you also have to write them in your own words. Writing them in your own words should then be accompanied by proper citation.

You need to cite your papers both in the in-text citation and at the bibliography section depending on the formatting style recommended by the tutors.

Failure to cite all the sources can result to what is known as Accidental Plagiarism

Accidental Plagiarism

If you are having problems with plagiarism, you can also read this article about plagiarism removal Online Plagiarism Removal: Tools, Software, Costs, Risks, Effectiveness


Also remember that the best plagiarism checker is Turnitin. You can get full access to Turnitin after checking this video How to Generate Free Turnitin Plagiarism Report in 5 Minutes

It is also necessary to understand the types of plagiarism so that you can avoid them during your writing.

Types of Plagiarism

  • #1. Clone Plagiarism: happens when the student submits another student work, word by word, without rewriting it or even changing anything else
  • #2. CTRL+C Plagiarism: happens when the student work contains a large portion of texts from a single source
  • #3. Find – Replace Plagiarism: happens when the student changes key words and phrases within a text, but retains the essential content of the source
  • #4. Remix Plagiarism: happens when the student sources phrases from different sources, then combines them to make a sentence or a paragraph
  • #5. Recycle Plagiarism: happens when the student borrows heavily from a previous student without putting proper citation.
  • #6. Hybrid plagiarism: happens when the student combines perfectly cited sources with copied passages without citation.
  • #7. Mashup plagiarism: happens when the student decides to mix material content copied from multiple sources
  • #8. 404 Error plagiarism: happens when the students puts proper citations to non-existent or inaccurate information
  • #9. Aggregator plagiarism: happens when the student puts proper citations to a work that is not original
  • #10. Re-Tweet Plagiarism: happens when the students puts proper citations in his work, but relies too closely in the original wording of the borrowed ideas

It is necessary to understand the types of plagiarism so that you can always be sure how to avoid it. If you have serious problems writing plagiarism free papers, then contact us we will do it for you at a small fee.

Can you give some examples of plagiarism that are not as obvious as others?

Yes, plagiarism is not just a matter of copy pasting other people’s work. It entails a lot of things.

Some of these omissions or commissions that may amount to plagiarism.

In fact, several students commit plagiarism without even realizing that they are committing plagiarism.

Let me explain them in terms of examples of plagiarism

Re-Tweet Plagiarism: this is a hidden plagiarism that happens when the students put proper citations in his work, but relies too closely in the original wording of the borrowed ideas

404 Error plagiarism: this is another hidden plagiarism that happens when the students put proper citations to non-existent or inaccurate information

Aggregator plagiarism: this is another hidden plagiarism that happens when the student puts proper citations to a work that is not original

Remix Plagiarism: happens when the student sources phrases from different sources, then combines them to make a sentence or a paragraph

Images and Illustrations: This is the type of plagiarism that entails copying content from images and illustrations without referencing them. All the images and illustrations must have references within the academic work.

If you want to detect the plagiarism in your work, then we suggest you use non repository Turnitin. Also, if you have problems with plagiarism, you can ask us for plagiarism removal services at a small fee.

The negative consequences of plagiarism are summarized below

Negative consequences of plagiarism

Consequence of Plagiarism

Is it plagiarism if you use others idea to make your own idea (innovation of ideas) without crediting the author of the first idea?

In academic writing, having references also helps you get marks. Do not think that citing the sources is just an effort in vain. In fact, the more the academic sources, the better.

You may escape the plagiarism with your “innovation of ideas” but it will not yield a positive effect in your grade.

My advice is, always make citations to all the borrowed ideas. It shows that you did some research, and your paper meets the academic standards.


What is the cost of Turnitin?

In this presentation, we will share with you the breakdown of the cost of Turnitin software (Instructor Account).

We will also share how to Get Access to Turnitin

What is Turnitin?

  • Turnitin is simply a software that is used to check and generate plagiarism report from the documents submitted by the students.
  • It is a Text Matching Software that helps the students to detect the levels of similarity in the student papers.

Why buy Turnitin?

  • We buy because we want real and true plagiarism reports
  • Because it is not easily available to students
  • Because you cannot access the software for free

What is the Cost of Turnitin Software?

I know many people ask this question quite often

First, let’s point out that Turnitin is the most popular and the most effective plagiarism checking software used by universities across the globe.

The cost of Turnitin software depends on…………….

………whether you are purchasing it as a student for personal use (Personal Account) or whether you are purchasing it for institutional use (for colleges and universities)

First, let’s accept the fact that Turnitin, just like any other educational software, is relatively expensive

Turnitin have no constant price for their institutional package

The price tends to charge differently depending on the nature of the learning institution and the number of students.

However, on average, it is estimated that Turnitin charges about $3 per student per year (Institutional Turnitin).

This implies that an institution that has 10,000 students is likely to pay about $30,000 per year for the Turnitin license ($3×10,000 = $30,000).

Do you need Turnitin for Personal Use?

This package is for those whose institutions have not purchased the institutional Turnitin or for those who whose institutions have purchased it but they have limited access.

The personal institutional license comes in two forms:

Instructor Account: For those tutors who would wish to check their student papers at personal level

Student Account: For the students who wish to check their papers before submitting to the university

The cost of Personal Turnitin Account is $19.99 per year subscription  

Just contact us and we will give you access to personal Turnitin account at the cost mentioned above.




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